Ayurveda, the knowledge of life and longevity, is the oldest, most comprehensive scientific discipline a complete health care system or healing system that was preached, practiced and documented in the ancient times by omniscient sages. This knowledge was revealed to them in their spiritual pursuits.

Closely associated with the Indian thought process, the origin of this system can be traced to the Vedas, the earliest codified knowledge body, which deals with all aspects of the universe. This ancient knowledge was then dissipated to mankind around 5,000 years ago by sages and seers for the well-being of mankind.

    The Universe and human body are made up of five basic elements collectively called Panch Mahabhoota. These are Aakasha (Ether), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Aapa (Water) and Prithvi (Earth). The sixth most essential component of life is Atma (soul) which is responsible for life process. The human body is made up of Doshas (Bio-humours), Dhatu (Body matrix) and Malas (extractable products). Vata, Pitta and Kapha, known as Tridoshas are physiological entities of the body which are responsible for carrying out all the functions of the body. Dhatu are the structural entities of the body. These are Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (Blood cells), Mamsa (Muscular tissue), Meda (Fatty tissue), Asthi (Bony tissues), Majja (Bone marrow) and Shukra (Hormonal and other reproductive fluids). Agni (Metabolic fire) is in thirteen different forms and carries out all the metabolic activities. The waste products of the body which are extractable are produced in the body as bye-products of metabolism. These are known as malas which include pureesha (faeces), Sweda (sweat) and Mutra (urine). All bio-transformations within the body occur through Srotases (body channels) which are the sites for action of agni.
    No. This is a common misconception regarding Ayurveda. The question you have to ask yourself is: are you looking for a quick fix or mere suppression of symptoms or are you actually seeking to dissolve the deep rooted cause of the imbalance and rejuvenate deeply? We recommend if you are looking for a quick fix or a quick suppression then Ayurveda is not the right modality for you. But if you are looking to get to the bottom of your imbalance then Ayurveda, in a relatively short time (you will be surprised) will begin to offer its benefits. In reality, the time to heal any imbalance depends on various factors – age, type of disease, degree of imbalance, whether it is acute or chronic, how many doshas, tissues, organs and channels are involved in the disease process. If the disease is newly formed and is with a single dosha and tissue involvement, then Ayurveda can balance this condition very quickly. On the other hand if the condition is formed with the aggravation of two or three doshas, and if more organs and channels are involved, and it has become somewhat chronic then naturally, the treatment takes longer time to restore this imbalance.
    As per Ayurveda, ‘Health’ is a state of equilibrium of normal functions of doshas, body tissues (dhatus), excretary waste products (malas) and metabolic activities Agni with tranquil body, mind and soul and distortion of this equilibrium results into diseases. Erratic lifestyle is believed to be one of the basic causes behind the failure of mechanism of maintaining equilibrium. Treatment either with or without drugs and application of specific rules of diet, activity and mental health and use of medicine or procedures to balance doshas.